Australia is one of the leading nations to make the switch for solar energy and finally get rid of dirty and polluted fossil fuel combustions. Thanks to the efforts of the government to encourage the use of solar power through rebates and incentives there has been an exponential rise in the number of its citizens & businesses making the switch to . Statistics shows that Australia is one of the countries that have less carbon emission, though we are a progressive nation with a lot of manufacturing & industry.
Australia was blessed in almost every way to triumph in the search for renewable and clean energy. The country’s geographical position andweather conditions made it highly favourable for whether it is for home or commercial applications. The sun hours are long, wet season and cloudy days are less likely throughout the year, and solar panel system owners can maximize their energy production whole year round. Another physical characteristic that the country has is that the average home space of 200 square meters per home makesdecentralisation of energy production viable.
Aside from physical capacities the country also caters to another very important aspect in making any project a success, you guessed it right, funding! The Nation has one of the most comprehensive solar rebates and incentives schemes in the world, and though there is news that the solar multiplier will go down from 5 to 4 and will decrease more over the years, the scheme is still favorable and solar is making an excellent economic investment. The feed in tariff scheme in place also makes a very good deal for its citizens to make the switch to solar energy.
There are exciting times ahead in the next 5 years, as Australia is catching up to the world leaders in the large scale production of clean energy through massive solar energy parks, and the looming Carbon Tax provides strong incentive for industry to reduce their carbon emissions….. Every day home owners also have the opportunity to reduce or even eliminate their electric bills and reduce their carbon footprints as well, which is the primary global concern. This large switch to solar energy is also expected to lift economic growth and provide many new jobs, as well as provide individuals with lesser burden of bills and an opportunity for a new avenue of income via the tariffs.
Premier Solar is committed to being Australia’s leading Solar Power & Renewable Energy solutions provider for both homes and medium to large scale commercial solar projects. We are specialists in effective and affordable solar PV panel System design and use only fully certified installers and product components which pass all government standards and certifications, to enable our customers to access full discounts and rebates, as well enjoy the peace of mind of 25 year warranties from long established manufacturers.
Tags: clean energy, green energy, investments