Posts Tagged ‘investments’

Alternative Renewable Energy Sources For Our globe

Thursday, August 4th, 2011

Alternative renewable energy source is indeed a favorite topic from everybody walks of life already. what would it take for the nature to get away from fossil fuels and swap over to renewable energy? It takes furthermore than willingness prior to acquire a Prius or in order to introduce solar panels on your roof.

Air energy facts always cause with the renewable nature of the whirlwind as a power source. Wind energy is a separate one of the alternative renewable energy resources whichever is currently being utilized by citizens who need to cut down on their energy cost plus assurance on specimen fuels. Wind also for all that is used to some amount for pumping water.

Solar power systems for camping are limited in addition to portable, but can produce enough energy to perform a small heater or light bulb. Solar earned by a backpack while hiking may regenerate a cell phone, camera, or iPod. limited solar power units will operate appliances created for use in a vehicle.

Before speculation in Alternative Energy Stocks, Know the material. By speculation in alternative energy development plus production, Iowa can achieve many great things. Anyone considering investing in alternative energy stocks needs prior to consider with a financial advisor.

Green renewable energy resources are an supreme key over non-renewable resources as they are frequently replenished. The authenticity that nearly everyone of these power sources bear down or even have nada greenhouse gas accomplish can only be viewed as a charitable affair. That bush would switch 40 million bushels of corn into 100 million gallons of ethanol each calendar year.

Clean energy sources contain the renewable energies as well as core energy. cleanse energy sources that close in less carbon emissions, are fast emerging as the most lucrative sources of “carbon financing” in the nature. Based on an analysis by SADC, a total of 19,000 Megawatts (MW) worth of creation projects may be commissioned under the CDM in the region.

Green electricity markets have been developed in recent years in several European countries containing Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, as well as the United Kingdom. In fact, there is scarcely any other choice at everyone when you call in that the alternative is in order to run out of fuel altogether along with end up living a far moreover menial in addition to an impoverished existence.

The purpose is to fund the development of long term sustainability investment at NSCC along with the initial?installations of an Alternative Energy Demonstration Laboratory on the NSCC campus. Nearly 90 percent of the world’s energy comes from specimen fuels. This certificate program will provide students with an understanding of energy uses, the current as well as future alternative energy options, along with the tools for evaluation.

technical knowledge cannot substitute for needed undomesticated resources such as food, forests, land, water, energy, plus biodiversity. automation designed in Canada uses almost no outside power prior to create conversion of bio-solids along with natural matter into clean green renewable energy. ITA has an aggressive green science promotion program with over 90 trade events planned international for this abundant year in addition to 2010.

Alternative renewable energy is also a better option than organic remains of a previous time fuels because no green house gases are released during the energy generation process. What would it take for the earth prior to get away from specimen fuels in addition to switch over in order to renewable energy? It takes furthermore than willingness prior to pay for a Prius or prior to fix up solar panels on your covering. A lot of us are experimenting on alternative renewable energy sources which are sustainable over time.

Alternative renewable energy source is indeed a favorite topic from everyone walks of life already. What would it take for the nature in order to get away from organic remains of a previous time fuels and swap over in order to renewable energy? It takes furthermore than willingness in order to purchase a Prius or in order to install solar panels on your building covering. I think the future are Alternative Renewable Energy Sources For Our planet!

Alternative Energy Investing

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011

Analysts and financial planners can play a crucial role in helping you get it right with alternative energy investing. “We don’t play around in the tiny cap stocks that have technology and not much revenue—the ‘hope’ stocks. We invest in companies with clear cash-generation plans in place,” are the words of Ben walker, who is a senior portfolio manager at the Gartmore Global Utilities fund out of London.

Still, the outlook is very positive overall—and healthy. “It is good to see that the number of renewable energy funds and the amount of money flowing into these funds is increasing,” according to chief executive of UK alternative electricity supplier Good Energy Juliet Davenport. “The renewable generation market is at an important stage in its development; it needs the continued support of the consumer, investor and government to ensure that it reaches its potential and really starts to make a difference to climate change.”

Many alternative energy investment portfolio advisors are confident that alternative energies derived from currents, tidal movement, and temperature differentials are poised to become a new and predominant form of clean energy. The French are actually fairly advanced at hydro power generation, and numerous studies are being made in Scotland and the US along these same lines. Some concerns are around the problems with the deterioration of metals in salt water, marine growth such as barnacles, and violent storms which have all been disruptions to energy production in the past. However, these problems for the most part seem to be cured through the use of different, better materials. Ocean-produced energy has a huge advantage because the timing of ocean currents and waves are well understood and reliable.

The reality is, the energy future is green, and investors would do well to put their money out wisely, with that advice in their minds.

Reginald Ross is an affiliate marketer who writes affiliate marketing articles.
For more information visit

Listed investment funds in Australia — Australia foundation investment company, AMP capital, Alternative Investment Trust

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011

Some of the listed investment funds in Australia include Australia foundation investment company, AMP capital, Alternative Investment Trust.  We have reviewed their corporate strategies going forward.

Alternative investment trust, formerly Everest Babcock & Brown alternative investment trust has investments in a portfolio of international absolute return funds and selected direct investments in support of debt and equity co-investments. The investment portfolio comprises exposure to a mix of investment managers and investment strategies aiming to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns over the medium to long-term annual market conditions with particular focus on capital preservation.

AMP capital of China growth fund is an investment fund managed by MP capital, which provides investors with access to Chinese sharemarket. The fund, with over 101 billion in funds under management, investing over 1300 shares listed on the Shanghai or Shenzhen stock exchanges, diversified across a broad range of sectors, from the period 10 January 2007 to 30 September 2008 the company showed an absolute return of 25.8% this is compared to the total return index on the Chinese stock exchange of 16.6%. The fund’s investment management team focuses on quality businesses with good long-term prospects in order to make the most of China’s long-term growth.

Australian foundation investment Co Ltd is an Australian investment company specialising in investing in Australian equities. The company seeks to identify stocks of superior value in long-term sustainable earnings growth prospects. Aboard up approach her screams the universe using traditional value metrics such as price and multiples and giving you a high value relative to market for the latter is critical for potential investment company surpass initial review are subjected to extensive quality of assessment of balance sheet and management strength and business strategies and less reliance is mainly placed on broker research for detailed financial analysis, especially modelling, freeing the company’s own staff are extensive company contact is the main basis for determining business quality and sustainability and earnings generation capacity. The breadth of industry experience and corporate connections of an actively involved management committee gives the company competitive edge in making these assessments. The company also runs a training portfolio, Ltd to 10% of overall assets, that permits it to take advantage of short-term opportunities arise including through writing call options against Holdings. The company has a somewhat stronger self-discipline and often found in by old investors apparently been prepared to remove the stock reasonably quickly sure its view of it fundamentally change. Moreover the training component allows it to reduce holdings at the margin quickly. The company typically holds 8200 stocks and has an annual turnover of 5 to 10% increasing the attraction of tax conscious investors.

David Coleman engages valuers to assist with business valuation based in Sydney, Australia. If you would like legal advice or tax advice please do not hesitate to click on the links provided here.

Investing in Solar Energy

Monday, August 1st, 2011

The main advantage of solar energy is the fact that it does not pollute the air with carbon dioxide or any other harmful greenhouse gases, nor does it contribute to any harmful emissions. Because of its increasing popularity as an alternative cleaner energy source amongst environmentally conscious people around the world, solar energy demand now exceeds its supply which makes it a lucrative investment.

Solar energy has many different useful applications including the hybrid cars that are currently being manufactured by automobile companies and which are set to reach the market by 2012. Solar energy can also be used for domestic applications such as heating pool water, charging batteries, as well as to power outdoor lighting. Solar products such as solar tubular skylights and solar attic fans are also convenient to have fitted in your home because these have long lifespan and require very little maintenance. You may also use a solar powered oven for cooking meals at home.

The main advantage of installing solar panels in your home is the fact that they operate silently which works in the elimination of noise pollution. Solar panels are also convenient to have as you can easily increase their number as your energy requirements increase. Be sure to install your solar panels on a relatively large area if you want to get the most out of them. Another plus of using solar energy is that it is possible to generate more power than you consume, thus enabling you to profit by selling the surplus energy to electric companies.

Polaris Energy is a direct provider of . Polaris Energy’s alternative energy projects offer potentially lucrative Returns on Investment (ROI) for investors with a wide range of electricity production. There are several types of alternative energy investments that people can feel comfortable investing in. For more Information, visit them at:

Polaris Energy is a direct provider of solar energy investments. Polaris Energy is deals in solar energy investment. For more Information, visit them at:

Alternative Investments – Things To Consider

Saturday, July 30th, 2011

How have your investments done over the last few years? Unless you are part of the small few that saw the financial crisis coming then your investments are likely to have done poorly. Many others are in a similar situation and they are seeking alternative investments for wealth preservation.

The main reason why many individuals are looking at alternative investments is because the returns have a low correlation against other traditional assets. This means that when we have financial events like we have had recently, your entire wealth doesn’t take a hit. There is a level of further diversification in there which helps to protect you.

You need to diversify in alternative investments because of traditional assets have performed so badly. Shares haven’t performed well and if you look at it from a decade long view the performance is dire. Property prices are still in decline and the value of cash is falling in real terms. Now is the point when you need alternatives.

Alternative investments are not the be all and end all (not by a long shot). Investments in stamps, antique furniture and works of art can go wrong. It is something that you need to keep in mind.

What are some the negatives? There isn’t an active marketplace which means that it isn’t so easy to offload your investment when you want. It is different to the stock market as sometimes there might not be a buyer waiting. If you have to search for one then this adds to your costs.

A small market place with a lack of participants means that it is difficult to establish proper prices. You will also struggle to get reliable data about old prices so that means you have to try and determine a fair price yourself. This can be hugely subjective and prone to errors. If you do it well though there can be huge potential in alternative investments..

Discover more information about alternative investments by visiting my alternative investment guide blog.

Create Green Energy For Your Home

Friday, July 29th, 2011

Green energy is generally defined as energy sources that dont pollute and are renewable. As technology advances and a greater storage of solar collection materials is made available, more and more private investors will see the value of investing in this “green” technology and further its implementation much more. And, of course, wherever you live, by adding economical solar and wind power to your home yourself, you will help us reduce our consumption of the world’s natural resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  

Some homeowners are looking for alternatives like to make solar panels to create green energy for their homes in order to reducepersonal energy cots. Any person with basic knowledge with regular home tools should be ableto build their own renewable energy generator and get it up and readyto produce green electricity in no time. Even if you aren’t technically inclined, well illustrated instructions make constructing these panels a relatively simple project. There’s no best time to make your green energy home and start living your dreams in green.  

Best Green Energy Tutorial

Now, you can stop wasting your hard earned money on your electrical bill, and help save the Earth at the same time. Basically, you’re getting a how to guide on exactly how to build a solar or wind-based electric generators that can save you loads of money on your electric bill for years to come.  

This is not a free guide, you will need to spend money for the guide $49.97. However, if you are serious and willing to put the time and effort into this project, then the money is of course well spent with future money saved from the power company. One of the main benefits of homemade energy is the amount of money you can save. You don’t just save money on your power bill, but by building solar panels yourself, you save more money on the cost of buying a solar panel.  

has been at the top of the digital book charts for quite a while now. There is good reason for that — this product is full of value and contains step-by-step information for anyone who even has an inkling that they’d like to live “off the grid.”

For starters, this package comes complete with the , step-by-step videos, a free gift discussing biodiesel, a section for purchasing parts you will need, and even tax rebate forms to use in order to claim what you deserve from Uncle Sam for making this “green” decision!

If you’re concerned about the startup cost that will come along with this, Michael understands where you’re coming from! He details specific ways you can get your solar panels for free. These tips alone are well worth the cost of purchasing the Earth 4 Energy products. This is an investment that can save you thousands of dollars per year — which is a great thing all on its own. For someone who has a hard time changing the oil in my car, following the instructions in the guide is amazingly simple and easy to do.

Literally discover how to easily build a renewable energy source of your own and by “going green” you are also helping out the environment too. There’s no best time to make your green energy home and start living your dreams in green. Find out more about Green Energy For Your Home

Paul Rodgers specializes in marketing online

Plumbers Must Have Green Energy Skills

Wednesday, July 27th, 2011

Plumbers need to take green energy courses because of the increasing investment in low carbon technologies, stated the chief executive of SummitSkills.

Keith Marshall said that future jobs and employment in the plumbing and heating sector depend on the ability of businesses and employers to develop the green energy skills to deal with the task of fitting environmental technologies.

During the recession many plumbing businesses that trained their staff through green energy courses to work in environmental technologies have seen considerable growth, claims Mr Marshall.

Green energy courses will benefit people who have completed plumbing courses as it will provide abilities to add to the existing sector skills set and job functions in the plumbing industry.

Keith Marshall said that people who have passed plumbing courses will “simply up-skill” through the additional training of green energy courses by learning the knowledge of how to install environmental appliances.

Plumbers who have completed green energy courses will have the competitive edge over others whether it is in relation to securing a new business opportunity or finding a job.

Keith Marshall said that it is the priority of SummitSkills to highlight the importance of green energy courses and they are actively encouraging employees and bosses to ensure that the right training is undertaken.

The Labour Budget in March outlined the intention of the United Kingdom to become a world leader in low carbon industries as well as a &pound2; billion investment bank to back low carbon initiatives.

SummitSkills has secured approval to build a National Skills Academy (NSA) which will help businesses through green energy courses.

The NSA will focus on developing design skills, product knowledge, commissioning and maintenance, and innovation so that plumbers are more confident when it comes to installing eco-friendly appliances.

Short green energy courses can initially help people get a grip on the important factors to consider, learn more about the new technologies and make right decisions, according to Keith Marshall.

He said: “This Building Services Engineering (BSE) Green Skills Academy will play a key role in ensuring that this skills capability is developed and that the BSE sector can become more proactive in promoting the green agenda to consumers and acting as a trailblazer for green skills.”

The British Electrotechnical and Allied Manufacturers Association has offered full support to the recommendation that government should work in partnership with the electrotechnical industry on smart meters and a smarter energy network.

Able Skills provide training through plumbing courses and green energy courses. Able Skills have opened an Energy Saving Training Centre to provide approved training on the installation of energy efficient forms of heating and lighting.

Australia Making Great Strides With Solar Energy

Tuesday, July 26th, 2011

Australia is one of the leading nations to make the switch for solar energy and finally get rid of dirty and polluted fossil fuel combustions. Thanks to the efforts of the government to encourage the use of solar power through rebates and incentives there has been an exponential rise in the number of its citizens & businesses making the switch to . Statistics shows that Australia is one of the countries that have less carbon emission, though we are a progressive nation with a lot of manufacturing & industry.

Australia was blessed in almost every way to triumph in the search for renewable and clean energy. The country’s geographical position andweather conditions made it highly favourable for whether it is for home or commercial applications. The sun hours are long, wet season and cloudy days are less likely throughout the year, and solar panel system owners can maximize their energy production whole year round. Another physical characteristic that the country has is that the average home space of 200 square meters per home makesdecentralisation of energy production viable.

Aside from physical capacities the country also caters to another very important aspect in making any project a success, you guessed it right, funding! The Nation has one of the most comprehensive solar rebates and incentives schemes in the world, and though there is news that the solar multiplier will go down from 5 to 4 and will decrease more over the years, the scheme is still favorable and solar is making an excellent economic investment. The feed in tariff scheme in place also makes a very good deal for its citizens to make the switch to solar energy.

There are exciting times ahead in the next 5 years, as Australia is catching up to the world leaders in the large scale production of clean energy through massive solar energy parks, and the looming Carbon Tax provides strong incentive for industry to reduce their carbon emissions….. Every day home owners also have the opportunity to reduce or even eliminate their electric bills and reduce their carbon footprints as well, which is the primary global concern. This large switch to solar energy is also expected to lift economic growth and provide many new jobs, as well as provide individuals with lesser burden of bills and an opportunity for a new avenue of income via the tariffs.

Premier Solar is committed to being Australia’s leading Solar Power & Renewable Energy solutions provider for both homes and medium to large scale commercial solar projects. We are specialists in effective and affordable solar PV panel System design and use only fully certified installers and product components which pass all government standards and certifications, to enable our customers to access full discounts and rebates, as well enjoy the peace of mind of 25 year warranties from long established manufacturers.

Financial Spread Betting: European markets start the week devoid of ‘energy', apart from…energy stocks

Monday, July 25th, 2011

Joshua Raymond, financial spread betting expert and Market Strategist at City Index (, looks at the news affecting EU markets on 17th January, with the indices trading mostly in flat to negative territory at the start of the week.

“European Indices started the new week trading mostly in flat to negative territory with the trading day expected to be rather quiet, with no major economic data or corporate earnings due out and the US markets shut for Martin Luther King day.

Funnily enough, whilst the markets can be seen as lacking in energy today, it is energy firms that are keeping Indices afloat with strong gains in heavyweights BP and Royal Dutch Shell counterbalancing weakness in mining and banking stocks.

Traders cautious over EU meeting Investors are and cautiously today with little news to react to and a meeting of EU finance ministers to keep an eye on for any decision on increasing the European Financial Stability Fund for indebted states within the euro zone. Hopes are fading that there will be a top up to the fund with Germany seen as the chief stalwarts to any increase after Germany’s Foreign Minister appearing to distance the country from such action by stating that it is too early to discuss a top up when only a small amount of the fund has been tapped. This caution is convincing traders to cut their Euro longs today, with the single European currency falling almost 1% against the US dollar as a result.

Smith’s Group up 10% In an otherwise slow news day, bid talk surrounding Smiths Medical, the medical unit of Smiths Group, has kept traders interested. We have seen high buyer demand for shares of Smiths Group, which have rallied over 10% on news that it rejected a $3.9bn offer for the medical arm. There has been talk for sometime about a potential breakup of the Smiths Group businesses and the news this morning appears to cement that there are interested parties. Though the early indications of a new higher bid from Apax, who is rumoured to have made the rejected offer, appears unlikely with the offer being made at ‘best and final’ and deemed not high enough to justify disposal talks. The swift rejection is giving rise to speculation that the firm believes it could get a significantly higher offer than the $3.6bn initially presented. We have seen traders pick up shares this morning speculating that the unit is up for sale and a higher offer may be on the cards at some point.

Groundhog day? We have seen the FTSE continue to consolidate around the 6000 level and interestingly it matches a similar start to the year as 2010 where the FTSE consolidated around the 5500 level. Last year however, market consolidation preceded a correction of around 8% and with technical analysts pointing to similarly bearish indicators this time around, the FTSE could see a correction this once again should it fail to break consistently above 6050 soon.”

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Wind Energy Facts

Sunday, July 24th, 2011

Wind has become a great source of energy to the earth. Wind mills and wind turbines have been built in various places to supply the energy need in the area. Studies have revealed that the wind, in fact, can produce energy. Wind energy is a natural form of energy.

When the energy is scarce, sources are needed.

Wind energy is actually a form of energy from the sun. Winds are the result of the uneven distribution of heat to the atmosphere. It is common knowledge that the heat spread in the north and south poles are way different from the heat being distributed on the places near the equator. Wind is caused and defined by the surface of the earth, and the body of water surrounding it.

Wind energy is generated using wind turbines or pin wheels. The wind turbines create mechanical energy, which then is converted into electricity. There are several types of wind turbines, but they fall on to only two groups. The first group is the most popular between the two. It is called the horizontal axis wind turbine. This group of wind turbine is like the conventional windmill usually used on early day farms to pump on water. The other group type is called the vertical axis wind turbine. This type looks like the popular egg beater. Whichever group of wind turbine is used to generate electrical power, you will still be able to yield a good result; provided, of course, that the amount of wind in your area is enough to power up the turbine.

Different areas also have different wind speed. Hence, the strength of energy being produced may become strong for some locations, yet weak for some other. One very good advantage of using wind energy is that is renewable as it is environmentally – friendly. No matter how much wind has been taken up to supply the energy need today, you will still find an abundant supply of this resource whenever you need it. Another great thing about it is that it is very much cost – effective.

Well, who sells wind and buys them? Nobody. You enjoy as much of it as you want. What you pay for is the installation of the wind turbines or windmill, but the raw resource is totally free. Although you may find investing on building up a wind energy generator, you will soon realize that you will get what you paid for in the future. The cost of investment may be high because the machineries to generate the energy is a little pricey, but the amount you will be able to save after deciding to get natural energy through the wind, is much, much higher than you paid for the investment. It is only at the onset of the project that you give out money, but in the long run, the maintenance is all that you need to take care of. No high electric bills to pay, and definitely no pollution. You have not only saved up, you also have not contributed to the environment’s destruction.

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Clean Energy At Micro Level

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

There is so much talk on clean energy today and about saving the planet from carbon footprints. However, most of the talks that are happening today on clean energy is happening only at the macro level. Many people even doubt whether clean energy production will work at micro level. Most of us are not aware of the options that are available to us when it comes to clean energy. With little bit of exploration, we will certainly be able to find clean energy solutions for our own homes and offices with minimum investment. Visit for more information

One of the easiest ways to tap into clean energy for your own homes is to install solar panels. This is ideal for countries that get plenty of sunlight. Installation of solar panels does not cost you much; you will be able to find affordable solar panel installation services. You will be able to use solar power for lighting purposes to illuminate your backyards, gardens, pathways. You just need to invest your money once and with that initial investment; you will be able to enjoy life long free lighting. Another common use of clean energy at micro level is to be seen in solar water heating systems. Already many countries are using solar water heating systems however; it will have greater impact if more people switch to solar water heating systems rather than using electrical water heaters.

If you can afford little more money, then you can go for wind turbines. The setting up cost might be on the little higher end and you may require a considerable amount of space to set up your windmill. Today you can find windmills to suit domestic use. Here again you can power most of your home appliances using this wind energy. However, viability of this option should be checked before you spend any money on the installation. You will have to check whether windmills be effective in your area. There is no point installing expensive windmills if they cannot produce the decent level of energy.

The entire drive on clean energy or renewable energy usage is to tap the potential of the natural energy sources wherever we can so that the other parts of the world in which renewable energy sources cannot be used will have access to non-renewable energy sources without any problem. When the demand for non-renewable energy sources is reduced, the cost of the non-renewable energy will also reduce.

Using clean energy will on the one hand reduce the cost of non-renewable resources and on the other hand, we will reduce the carbon footprints drastically. Everyone likes to receive free things but it is surprising that we have not used effectively the free energy that is all around us. It is high time that we changed our life style and switched to clean energy at every level possible not waiting for governments to impose laws and restrictions on energy usage. Clean energy at micro level will certainly have a great impact on our planet.

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4 Solar Energy Stocks To Invest Your Money On

Friday, July 22nd, 2011

Solar energy is renewable energy. Although most countries still haven’t seen or experienced the full potential of solar energy, there is already a massive growth in the renewable energy industry. Many companies have now taken part in the creation of solar cells and panels that can convert the sun’s UV rays into energy. It would be interesting to watch the progress of this industry.

Expect the renewable energy industry to keep on growing in the next few years. And since there is an inflating demand for it, investors have also flocked to solar energy stocks. If you are also looking for , why not check out this opportunity?

Which company should you put your money on? Some of the companies listed that offer solar energy stocks are Aleo Solar, Centrosolar, Energy Conversion Devices, and Conergy AG.

Aleo Solar’s company turnover as of the first quarter of 2011 is a whopping € 553.5 million. They are one of the premium distributors of solar modules to the market that needs photovoltaic systems. Bosch Group, the company that produces some of the most stellar appliances today, has acquired a large portion of Aleo Solar AG. Since 2006, they have already been listed on the stock exchange and they are currently maintaining a strong presence globally.

Centrosolar is a company founded in Germany. This is actually one of frontrunners in the European stock exchange market. They specialize in creating PV or photovoltaic systems that cater to houses and industrial establishments.

Energy Conversion Devices, a company based in Michigan, produces Ovonics. This is an electronic field that utilizes materials that can change from the nonconducting state into a semi conducting state. This is essential in the progress of amorphous semiconductors, often used to create renewable energy resources.

Conergy AG is also a good contender in the stock exchange market. They are a part of the solar energy industry. As of 2007, they already had a turnover of about 706 million euros. They are currently listed in the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Today, they already have subsidiaries worldwide. They cater to wholesalers, industrial roof owners, solar power investors and installers of solar energy.

The author is an expert freelance SEO web content writer with years of experience writing for various clients. He writes on a variety of topics that includes sports, health and fitness, entertainment, eco-friendly living, technology as well as finance which include articles about stock trading strategies.


The Need For Increasing The Awareness On Clean Energy

Thursday, July 21st, 2011

Clean energy has become the need of the hour as the entire world is depleting the non-renewable energy sources fast. On the one hand, the cost of non-renewable energy is continuing to increase and on the other hand, there is so much of free energy all around us that goes wasted without being used. We will reach a stage whereby there will be no energy resources left even if we are ready to pay a huge price.

However, we can save the situation to a great extent by tapping into the potential renewable energy or clean energy that is available free of cost. We certainly cannot go on depleting the nature’s energy sources and hope that it would last forever. We have already started receiving the warning signs and it is high time that we started thinking of alternative energy sources such as wind power, solar power, etc.

There is a dire need for increasing the awareness on clean energy. It is not enough that this topic is discussed in the government policies and at the top level. It is vital that conscientization on clean energy should reach grass root levels. It has to be spoken more widely so that it is no more just a government policy. Only when this topic is discussed more, we will be able to come up with more practical or more viable solutions on clean energy. For more information, please visit

The cost involved in producing clean energy or renewable energy is pretty high at the moment and this is being a discouraging factor or a hampering factor in the growth of this sector. One of the reasons why the cost of producing clean energy is high could be that the efforts being put in this area is not sufficient to come up with cost-effective solutions. Only when it becomes a popular concept that is being spoken about freely, we will be able to see the difference in this sector.

Clean energy should not be a topic limited to the top level officials and investors that have huge investment capacity. There should be a global drive on creating awareness on clean energy.

Awareness on clean energy or renewable energy can be increased in a number of ways today. The internet is one of the most powerful communication media of our era and by effectively putting into use this platform, we will be able to increase the awareness level on clean energy tremendously.

Clean energy will not only help us save our non-renewable energy resources but it will also help us save the planet as the carbon footprint left behind will be considerably lesser. We should be mindful of the harm that we are causing our future generations. All these should force us to act fast in finding the right clean energy solutions. Every individual has the responsibility towards building a safer planet. Only when we join hands, we will be able to create tangible impact in this area. Increasing the awareness level on clean energy is the first step towards that change the world needs.

Other related articles:

South American Renewable Energy Markets to 2020 – Favorable Policies and Regulations to Drive Growth in The Region

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

GBI Research’s report, “South American Renewable Energy Markets to 2020 – Favorable Policies and Regulations to Drive Growth in The Region”, which provides key data, information and analysis on the South American renewable energy market. The report provides market drivers, restraints and market trends information for the top five countries in the South American region. The report also analyses the four major renewable energy technologies, namely small hydro, wind, solar and biomass in each of the top five countries in the region. The report provides comprehensive information on the key market trends with superior analytics. It also reviews the policies and regulatory framework of the renewable energy market. The South American renewable energy market is expected to increase at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 10.1% over the forecast period 2009–2020. Small hydro and wind energy are likely to experience high growth during this period. The cumulative installed capacity of small hydro power in the top five countries is expected to increase at a CAGR of 7.8% during the period. The major drivers for the growth in the South American renewable energy market include favorable polices, legislation in respective countries, financial support from international banks and clean development mechanism projects. The key restraints include the lack of incentives and the lack of a binding agreement at the Copenhagen summit.


  • Key geographies such as Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela and Chile.
  • Cumulative Installed Capacities for renewable energy technologies globally from 2000 to 2009 and forecast up to 2020.
  • Percentage share of the top 10 countries in wind, solar and biomass globally from 2000 to 2009 and forecasts up to 2020.
  • Cumulative Installed Capacities for the top five countries in the South American region from 2000 to 2009 and forecast up to 2020.
  • Country wise (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Chile) cumulative and annual installed capacity for the renewable energy market from 2000 to 2009, forecast up to 2020.
  • Renewable Energy wise (small hydro, wind, solar and biomass) cumulative and annual installed capacity for each of the top five countries from 2009 to 2015.
  • Key topics covered include the Market Drivers, Market Restraints and Regulatory Frameworks.

Reasons to buy

The report will enhance your decision making capability in more rapid and time sensitive manner. It will allow the user to:

  • Identify key growth and investment opportunities in top 5 countries in the South American Region
  • Identify key entities and partners who could help in business development.
  • Position yourself to gain the maximum advantage of the industry’s growth potential by developing strategies based on the latest policy and legislational events.
  • Identify the drivers and restraints of 4 renewable energy markets in top 5 countries in the region.
  • Facilitate decision making based on strong historic and forecast data.

1 Table of Contents 3

  • 1.1 List of Tables 6
  • 1.2 List of Figures 7

2 Global Renewable Energy Market 8

  • 2.1 Global Small Hydro Power Market 8
  • 2.2 Global Wind Power Market 8
    • 2.2.1 Global Wind Power Market, Installed Capacity, 2000-2020 9
    • 2.2.2 Global Wind Power Market, Market Share by Country, 2009 11
  • 2.3 Global Solar PV Market 12
    • 2.3.1 Global Solar PV Market, Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020 12
    • 2.3.2 Global Solar PV Market, Market Share by Country, 2009 14
  • 2.4 Global Biomass Market 15
    • 2.4.1 Global Biomass Market, Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020 16
    • 2.4.2 Global Biomass Market, Market Share by Country, 2009 18
  • 2.5 Global Renewable Energy Investments, 2009 19

3 South American Renewable Energy Market 20

  • 3.1 South American Renewable Energy Market – Market Dynamics 20
    • 3.1.1 Market Drivers 20
    • 3.1.2 Market Restraints 21
  • 3.2 South America Installed Capacity by Energy Sources, Top Five Countries, 2009 21
  • 3.3 South America Installed Capacity by Renewable Energy Sources, Top Five Countries, 2009 22
  • 3.4 South American Renewable Energy Market, Policies and Support Measures, by country 23
  • 3.5 South American Renewable Energy Market, Total Installed Capacity, Top Five Countries, 2000-2020 23
  • 3.6 South American Renewable Energy Market, By Renewable Energy, Installed Capacity, 2000-2020 24
  • 3.7 South American Renewable Energy Market Cumulative Installed Capacity, By country 2000-2020 26

4 Brazil Renewable Energy Market 29

  • 4.1 Brazil Power Market, Market Highlights 29
    • 4.1.1 Brazil Electrical Energy Sector, Entities and their functions, 2010 30
  • 4.2 Brazil Renewable Energy Market – Market Dynamics 30
    • 4.2.1 Market Drivers 30
    • 4.2.2 Market Restraints 32
  • 4.3 Brazil Installed Capacity by Energy Sources, 2009 32
  • 4.4 Brazil Installed Capacity by Renewable Energy Sources, 2009 33
    • 4.4.1 Brazil Renewable Energy Market, Installed Capacity, 2000-2020 33
  • 4.5 Brazil Small Hydro Power Market, 2010 35
    • 4.5.1 Brazil Small Hydro Power Market, Installed Capacity, 2000-2020 36
  • 4.6 Brazil Wind Power Market 37
    • 4.6.1 Brazil Wind Power Market, Installed Capacity, 2000-2020 38
    • 4.6.2 Brazil Wind Power Market, Wind Farms Planned/ Under Construction 40
  • 4.7 Brazil Solar PV Market 40
    • 4.7.1 Brazil Solar PV Market, Installed Capacity, 2000-2020 40
  • 4.8 Brazil Biomass Power Market 42
    • 4.8.1 Brazil Biomass Power Market, Installed Capacity, 2000-2020 42
  • 4.9 Policies/Regulations that impact renewable energy in Brazil 44

5 Argentina Renewable Energy Market 48

  • 5.1 Argentina Power Market, Market Highlights 48
  • 5.2 Argentina Power Market, Entities and their functions 48
  • 5.3 Argentina Renewable Energy Market, Market Dynamics 49
    • 5.3.1 Market Drivers 49
    • 5.3.2 Market Restraints 50
  • 5.4 Argentina Installed Capacity by Energy Sources, 2009 51
  • 5.5 Argentina Installed Capacity by Renewable Energy Sources, 2009 51
    • 5.5.1 Argentina Renewable Energy Market, Installed Capacity, 2000-2020 52
  • 5.6 Argentina Small Hydro Power Market 53
    • 5.6.1 Argentina Small Hydro Power Market, Installed Capacity, 2000-2020 53
  • 5.7 Argentina Wind Power Market 55
    • 5.7.1 Argentina Wind Power Market, Wind Farms Planned/Under Construction 56
    • 5.7.2 Argentina Wind Power Market, installed capacity, 2000-2020 57
  • 5.8 Argentina Solar PV Market 58
    • 5.8.1 Argentina solar PV market, Installed capacity, 2000-2020 59
  • 5.9 Argentina Bio-mass market, 2010 60
    • 5.9.1 Argentina Biomass Market, Installed capacity, 2000-2020 61
  • 5.10 Policies/Regulations that impact on the renewable energy industry in Argentina 62

6 Colombia Renewable Energy Market 66

  • 6.1 Colombia Power Market, Market Highlights 66
  • 6.2 Colombia Electrical Energy Market, Entities and their functions 67
  • 6.3 Colombia Renewable Energy Market, Market Dynamics 67
    • 6.3.1 Market Drivers 67
    • 6.3.2 Market Restraints 68
  • 6.4 Colombia Installed Capacity by Energy Sources, 2009 68
  • 6.5 Colombia Installed Capacity by Renewable Energy Source, 2009 69
    • 6.5.1 Colombia Renewable Energy Market –Installed Capacity 2000-2020 69
  • 6.6 Colombia Small Hydro Market 71
    • 6.6.1 Colombia Small Hydro Market, Installed Capacity, 2000-2020 71
  • 6.7 Colombia Wind Power Market 72
    • 6.7.1 Colombia Wind Power Market, Wind Farms Planned/Under Construction 73
    • 6.7.2 Colombia Wind Power Market, Installed Capacity, 2000-2020 73
  • 6.8 Colombia Solar PV Market 74
  • 6.9 Colombia Biomass Market 75
    • 6.9.1 Colombia Biomass Market, Installed Capacity, 2000-2020 75
  • 6.10 Policies/Regulations that impact on the renewable energy industry in Colombia 76

7 Venezuela Renewable Energy Market 78

  • 7.1 Venezuela Power Market, Market Highlights 78
  • 7.2 Venezuela Electrical Energy Market, Entities and their functions 79
  • 7.3 Venezuela Renewable Energy Market, Market Dynamics 79
    • 7.3.1 Market Drivers 79
    • 7.3.2 Market Restraints 80
  • 7.4 Venezuela Installed Capacity by Energy Sources, 2009 80
  • 7.5 Venezuela Installed Capacity by Renewable Energy Sources, 2009 80
    • 7.5.1 Venezuela Renewable Energy Market, Installed Capacity 2000-2020 81
  • 7.6 Venezuela Small Hydro Market 82
    • 7.6.1 Venezuela Small Hydro Market, Installed Capacity, 2000-2020 82
  • 7.7 Venezuela Wind Power Market 84
    • 7.7.1 Venezuela Wind Power Market, Installed Capacity, 2000-2020 85
  • 7.8 Venezuela Solar PV Market 86
  • 7.9 Venezuela Biomass Market 87
  • 7.10 Policies/Regulations that impact the renewable energy industry in Venezuela 87

8 Chile Renewable Energy Market 88

  • 8.1 Chile Power Market, Market Highlights 88
  • 8.2 Chilean Electrical Energy Market, Entities and their functions 89
  • 8.3 Chile Renewable Energy Market, Market Dynamics 89
    • 8.3.1 Market Drivers 89
    • 8.3.2 Market Restraints 90
  • 8.4 Chile Installed Capacity by Energy Sources, 2009 91
  • 8.5 Chile Installed Capacity by Renewable Energy Sources 91
    • 8.5.1 Chile Renewable Energy Market, Installed Capacity 2000-2020 92
  • 8.6 Chile Small Hydro Market 93
    • 8.6.1 Chile Small Hydro Power Market, Installed Capacity, 2000-2020 93
  • 8.7 Chile Wind Power Market 95
    • 8.7.1 Chile Wind Power Market, Wind Farms Planned/Under Construction 96
    • 8.7.2 Chile Wind Power Market, Installed Capacity, 2000-2020 96
  • 8.8 Chile Solar PV Market 98
    • 8.8.1 Chile Solar Power Market, Solar Farms planned/under construction 99
    • 8.8.2 Chile Solar PV Market, Cumulative Installed Capacity, 2000-2020 99
  • 8.9 Chile Biomass Market 100
    • 8.9.1 Chile Biomass Power Market, Biomass power plants planned/under construction 100
    • 8.9.2 Chile Biomass Market, Installed Capacity, 2000-2020 101
  • 8.10 Policies/Regulations that impact the renewable energy industry in Chile 102

9 Appendix 104

  • 9.1 Methodology 104
    • 9.1.1 Coverage 104
    • 9.1.2 Secondary Research 105
    • 9.1.3 Primary Research 105
    • 9.1.4 Expert Panel Validation 105
  • 9.2 Contact Us 105
  • 9.3 Disclaimer 106

South American Renewable Energy Markets to 2020 – Favorable Policies and Regulations to Drive Growth in The Region now Available on ReportsandReports. ReportsandReports, comprising of an online library of 10,000 reports, in-depth market research studies of over 5000 micro markets, and 25 industry specific websites.

Uranium Mutual Funds-Are They A Wise Investment?

Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

If you are looking for new investment opportunities, uranium mutual funds may be the best place to put your money. Most of the new age energy mutual funds have a number of stocks into sectors such as oil, gas, nuclear energy, uranium and so on.

The good investment potential in this sector has led to further upsurge in the demand for this sectoral funds and mutual funds industry is also bringing out new funds and investment opportunities. Today, uranium mutual funds are one of the preferred investment avenues for investors who like to participate in the growth of the nuclear energy sector.

The growing demand for energy from most of the world economies including the emerging market economies has led to a dream performance of many of the nuclear energy companies dealing in uranium and other forms of energy. This has also led to launch of new exchange traded funds and sector specific funds dealing in uranium stocks.

Nuclear energy ETF fund is gaining prominence day by day due to the extreme popularity of uranium funds amongst investors of all hues such as individuals, hedge funds and other private players. The uranium mutual funds industry is growing by leaps and bounds and a number of new funds offerings are being planned for the benefit of investors.

Sprott energy fund is one such mutual fund which aims to achieve capital growth and long term wealth creation for its investors. The energy sector fund has its investments in energy and related resources stocks including uranium. Like all sector specific funds, these funds may have short term volatility.

But nothing to worry about. If you are a medium and long term player, the uranium mutual funds may give you better than the market returns. Nuclear energy is the new buzz word the world over and if you do not have uranium mutual funds in your portfolio, you are missing action to a great extent.

Again, don’t focus all your efforts here; it is always best to be able to do your own investing and spot opportunities on your own. If you do plan to invest in Uranium mutual funds and have a fund manager watch over your cash for you, make sure it is just a portion of your overall portfolio. Taking the time to educate yourself financially may seem like a chore at first, but it will be well worth the effort down the road.

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