Posts Tagged ‘wind power’

Many People Are Using Wind turbines Right Now But Is It Worth It

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

Wind Power Energy

In the event you haven’t heard of wind turbine electricity generators, here is a brief description. A regular wind turbine is a large tower which has blades hooked up to a rotor. Any time the wind blows the turbine the blades cause the rotor rotate and the movement of the rotor makes the power generator within the turbine create power. As with many types of power generators, magnets and also copper wires are arranged to create a charge any time the rotor spins. This system has been used for quite some time in various other kinds of generators.

Wind generators, as the name shows, call for wind to work. The explanation as to why turbines are built so extremely high is to take advantage of the more robust winds found at more significant altitudes. The main objective of getting more of the wind power is to produce more electricity using the turbines. All of this would not matter if there’s no wind to begin with. This is the reason why extensive research is done on areas for potential wind generators to make certain that there’s enough wind to produce energy. This tends to mean they are located along coastlines where it is usually very windy. While wind speed is the most vital variable to measure, wind direction will also have an impact on the efficiency of the installation. To conform to varying wind directions, the turbines are fashioned to continually face into the wind, irregardless of direction.

Enough electricity to meet the needs of an entire household might be produced from a single turbine. You can also store the electricity into batteries for times when there is no wind. One concern is the number of years needed for the installation charges to be recovered in power savings. A positive feature of these turbines, in comparison to solar panels, is they do not call for sunlight. In locations that experience several hours of darkness during some periods, turbines may be a better green solution as compared to solar panels. Another good thing about wind generators is that they are eco-friendly as they produce virtually no pollution. More turbines could reduce the causes of global warming which in turn threaten the planet today. Another feature is that turbines are harvesting energy from a continuously renewing source. This means that turbines will always be able to produce energy if they are located in high wind regions.

While they have got a lot going for them, there are some drawbacks to consider. Many people don’t want to be observing a tall tower with a propeller on the top outside their window. Large installations, with a good deal, or even hundreds grouped together, produce visual pollution in coastal areas, according to critics. Like any mechanical gadget that moves, they might be quite noisy. While excellent for meeting the needs of humans, they can be harmful to birds and bats. The rationale stated for bats soaring into wind generators is that the activity in the air disrupts their capability to hear and see with sonar. There are no data on how frequently this happens, however.

Taking into consideration the pros and cons of wind generators, they have got a lot going in their favor. They can play a primary role in our future energy plans if they are used carefully.

Michael Porterfield is a skilled blog writer who is skilled in solar panels, renewable energy along with other modernized sources of energy for a much better lifestyles. See Alternative Source of Energy

Numerous Positive Aspects Of Employing Sustainable Energy Sources

Tuesday, January 31st, 2012

It is no surprise that some of us will always be wondering if we in fact require alternative sources of energy, or perhaps, maybe even considered obtaining one of the environmentally friendly power systems, therefore let’s take a look at just how wind mill, or solar panel systems, or water pumping installations could become your dependable and committed friend for many years to come.

Firstly, the main benefit is basically that you are receiving a reliable source of electricity, which does not rely on the exterior aspects (for example power problems, rolling power shutdowns, deficiency of electrical power resources and/or electric power breakdowns). Next, certain populated areas, particularly the remote places are attached to no-through transmitting lines and with all the raising level of power utilization the voltage in utility lines gets to be more erratic which then causes them to go out regularly. The majority of transformer boxes servicing inhabited locations have long exceeded their service life and therefore are near the point of breakdown, which happens to occur often. The trouble is that even temporary energy outages and voltage variations lead to the breakdown of expensive electrical equipment and home appliances – taking into account this hard to take into account indicator will give a really fast payback timeframe for an autonomous power source.

The emission associated with electromagnetic solar radiation, which is expected in the current year, is not perceived highly so far, but that is precisely what happened in the mid 1800s. But at that time the humankind wasn’t dependent upon electrical energy, therefore it happened virtually without notice. Nowadays, the failure of many of the transformer installations would be disastrous.

Another critical point to remember – do not try to calculate the ROI of a wind or solar power installations based upon your current power payments. It is similar to wishing to rationalize the cost of an automobile based on the amount of coach fares you can buy for the same amount of money.

Wind operated water pumping installations are surely the sole alternative for water supply in faraway facilities and fisheries. Their advantage over utilizing gas or diesel power sources is quite apparent and does not demand complicated calculations.

For more information on sustainable energy sources and how does wind energy work, stop by our site at

Learn Exactly How Wind Power Works For Your Home Alternative Energy

Sunday, August 14th, 2011

One of the greatest types of renewable energy – it is Eco-friendly, clean, and never-ending! In a way, wind energy is the result of solar energy – our planet’s wind starts because of the sun heating our planet’s surface unevenly, causing wind the rise and fall at various rates all over the world, and the air begins to move about based on physical law, creating what we experience as wind. Wind turbines stand in the wind and this causes them to turn, to spin, and to generate energy. And with your own wind generator you can take advantage of this free energy to generate your own electrical energy rather than paying the energy company to get it done for you — and their energy is usually produced from non-renewable, non-environmentally friendly sources.

But before you start to use a wind generator, you might want to know precisely how wind energy works. The most straightforward way is to imagine a fan going backwards in time: instead of electricity interacting with magnets to turn the fan blades and hence generate wind, the wind turns the fan blades and this interacts with magnets to create electricity. Put simply:

* wind blows on the blades of the fan
* the fan blades are angled and hence begin to turn
* the axle holding the blades spins
* the generator at the other end of the axle generates electricity

There is usually a gearing mechanism to amplify the motion, thereby producing even more electricity. There is also usually an automatic stopping mechanism to avoid possible harm to the entire assembly if the wind speeds gets too high. Domestic wind turbines usually come in two varieties: (1) Turbines with a vertical axis (2) Turbines with a horizontal axis It is the second form that is usually favored now, and upon which the US Department of Energy is focusing most of its research recently. These usually have two or three blades (those with two blades usually faces away from the wind, and those with three blades usually face into the wind).

You might have observed huge three-bladed wind turbines around the countryside, clustered together in what are known as wind farms, and they can produce a lot of electricity — the larger the blades, the more electricity, in general. Domestic wind turbines are much smaller, and can create typically 50 kilowatts for home use.

In remote rural locations wind turbines can also be used to pump water out of the ground, and such places will often create electricity utilizing a combination of solar panel systems and wind turbines. They make use of batteries to collect excess electricity they have generated, and in some cases they can even sell additional excess electricity back to the energy company!

However in an urban setting a wind turbine will be used as a supply of energy to supplement the normal grid supply of electricity from the power company. The reason for this is that there is usually the opportunity that there is not enough wind energy to generate electricity — if the wind is much below 8 miles per hour then most wind turbines will not generate energy, and the grid will supply the electricity requirements. As the wind speed increases and the wind generator generates more electricity, the total amount taken from the grid gradually decreases.

A general rule of thumb is that the average wind speed must be about 11 miles per hour; if it is lower than that the tower supporting the generator will have to be higher to trap the higher-speed winds at higher altitudes — but there are diminishing returns there and if your wind speed is often too low then it may not be worth setting up wind turbines.

Taking into consideration not only the cost savings from not using grid electricity, plus the occasional opportunity to sell energy back to the energy company, wind turbines can help to eliminate a home’s power expenses simply by an amount in the region of 50% to 90%, although there are lots of factors affecting this. If your home uses 10,000 kWh (kilowatt-hours) of electricity each year, a small generator of rating between five and fifteen kilowatts should be sufficient to your requirements. There will obviously be initial expenses associated with setting up a wind generator, but these will quickly be recouped — and you will save more money by building one yourself – instruction manuals and videos are available for a low price over the internet.

Now that you’ve got some idea of how wind energy works, you need to think seriously about setting up a wind generator for your home – not only will you be saving money, you will also be saving the earth – and all because of a little breeze!

Solar Technology: Pros And Cons Evaluated

Wednesday, August 10th, 2011

It can be hard to find ways to save your money without doing a lot of work. One important thing that lots of people are trying is solar energy, but has it been working out for everyone? Solar energy can be applied to several different uses including electricity, heating, cooking, and much more. Despite the fact that solar energy has been touted as the perfect, environmentally friendly source of clean energy, it also has some disadvantages. The primary advantage of solar technology is that it is clean, and that you only need the sun’s rays to create heat or electricity. A product that you basically don’t need in any way is fossil fuels. All you need to accumulate solar energy are some solar power panels, or solar energy collectors.

Another appealing factor is that solar energy can save you a lot of money on heaters, since it is cheaper than electric heating. If you don’t have utility lines in your neighborhood, that is another advantage that you can benefit from. Where power companies don’t have any access to your home, solar power delivers the perfect solution for electricity, heating your water, and even for cooking. Solar energy is a really good means for turning salt water into fresh water you are able to drink. The salt water evaporates when the solar energy is used in this approach leaving behind salt crystals. After it has finished evaporating, it condenses in to a distinct basin. More wind power for your home tips

Before you proceed and conclude that solar technology is the best solution you have, you should take a closer look at the disadvantages that this article will be revealing. Needing numerous solar collectors is a big downside when considering solar power. Solar energy is cheap on paper, but these solar panels is usually expensive in addition to the maintenance costs associated with them. The original investment may be overpriced and considering how long you will be using the panels,not worth it.

Another downside doesn’t seem like much if you live where the sun is always shining, but many places the sun isn’t always out. The solar power collection is going to be ineffective if there is cloudy weather or if it rains or snows. Without having enough sunlight for your solar collectors, it can be detrimental to how much you are able to save. If you are fortunate enough to live in a desert, you should not be worried about having enough sunlight. Some excellent how to improve home energy tips.

Dependent on where you live, the days could be longer than different places and this is another disadvantage to check out. That can wind up triggering a problem if you need hot water or electricity during the night. On account of that, you will need a stop-gap system, like your out of date power grid, or a battery system that stores the solar energy for later use.

Discover The Advantages of Wind Energy For Your Home Alternative Energy

Monday, August 8th, 2011

The advantages of wind power are several firstly it uses a totally free source of naturally reoccurring power by harnessing the winds that circulate constantly all over the world, it also has the significant bonus which it produces zero pollutants like those at present created by the burning of classic fuels in current power stations. In addition commercial wind farms are best suited to remote areas, such as dessert areas, hillside as well as offshore, so they have less impact on peoples life styles.

There is close connection among wind power and solar energy in so far as the sun comes with an overriding affect on the global wind patterns, so the sun has major input to both the main sources of green energy. This being said you need the sun to shine to make solar energy so the advantage is by using wind power because with meticulous planning as well as coordinating the lay of the area and the wind maps it’s possible to make the most of the available wind flow almost all the time.

For Efficient Energy Generation You Must Have Average Annual Wind Circulation Speeds Of 10 mph.

So the factor to the effective usage of wind power is surveying the lay of area inside the project as well as arranging the proposed windmill to take advantage of the available of the most effective wind flow available. Getting done that, the rest relies on the use of pure technology in the calculation of the correct selection of the type, design as well as size of the rotor blades, all of which is carefully laid out within tutorials within the online info bundles.

Establishing your own wind power system can be costly if you take the retail option and can have a payback of many decades, but if you use a professional guide with detailed information, step by step instructions, videos, plans, wiring diagrams then you can have your wind power generator up and running at a fraction of the costs. The savings you make will go straight into your pocket. Maintenance is not difficult and straight forward just keep it regularly checked and oiled and it will operate effectively for several years.

Another of the real benefits of wind power is that once the wind turbine is constructed, wind power does not cause any kind of air pollution. In contrast the continual burning of classic fuels causes huge problems on the ecosystem. This includes smog, acid rain and global warming – which is scientifically accepted as being the most significant worry in the future of our globe.

Commercial electricity technology involves in the main, burning carbon based fuels such as oil and coal and though cleaner than the were a generation ago still disgorge millions of tons of sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere annually that will lead to climate disasters for coming decades. The seasons are already starting to fluctuate from the norm the whole world over, so how much worse will it be in say 40 years if we fail to make a change today.

Advantages of wind power is capped with the massive bonus in that it does not produce any kind of pollutants at all. For further information about home solar power systems and renewable energy, please visit me at: